Thank You for Ensuring the Future
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Thank you to these Charter Members
How their generous donations are setting the stage to protect the future of this club and sport
Two generous contributions from the vast firearm and shooting equipment collections of two members have helped found the new Mill Creek Rifle Club Shooting Sports and Education Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Bruce Kelly. Bruce has been an avid hunter since age 10. He's hunted all over the northwestern United States and many other states. Bruce joined Mill Creek Rifle Club in 2001 to continue working on his handgun and rifle skills. Bruce enjoys the pistol ranges, the 100 yard range and the steel gongs at 200 and 300 yards. Bruce is an Air Force veteran, and an industrial engineer with several patents. Bruce told us his decision to donate his collection to support this effort is all about freedom and maintaining our shooting sports through education and training of youth at Mill Creek before we are outnumbered by the opposition.
Albin “Sandy” Sandgren. Sandy’s service and dedication to Mill Creek goes back to his induction as a member in 1980, and extends through his long-time role as Maintenance Director from 2010 to 2019. He has devoted years of distinguished service and countless hours dedicated to improving and maintaining our club. Sandy’s dedication and vision of maintaining MCRC has set the highest bar making us one of the best shooting sports facilities in the Midwest. Over the past several years Sandy began conversations with club vice president Michael Borkon and others in the high-power community, regarding donating his gun estate to the club and its members. He confirmed with Dr. Borkon and others that his wish was that his high-power related guns, ammunition, and components would be offered to the MCRC high-power community. Dr. Borkon discussed Sandy’s wishes with Courtney Shipley, Sandy’s granddaughter, who helped arrange the transfer of this special collection to the club and to manage its dispersal to support the new foundation.
Last but not least, the board of directors would like to thank Ron Stricker, owner of Ron Stricker's Auction in Gardner, Kansas, for contributing his staff and his own time to help pull together and execute this September 4 Benefit Auction.