Mill Creek Forms Foundation for the Future

Please consider remembering the new Mill Creek charitable foundation in your estate planning

Mill Creek Forms New Charitable Foundation for the Future

Please consider remembering this club in your estate planning

Initiated by two recent donations of firearms and equipment from members Bruce Kelly and Sandy Sandgren, the Mill Creek board of directors has created a new non-profit Kansas corporation, the Mill Creek Rifle Club Shooting Sports and Education Charitable Foundation, Inc.

The filing with the Kansas Secretary of State to establish the corporation is complete, and the organization has obtained a new employer identification number from the Internal Revenue Service. The next step, now being spearheaded by Legislative Director Paul Day, who is a retired attorney at law, is application with the IRS to obtain recognized status as a 501(c)(3) entity, which will permit people who donate to the organization the opportunity to consider their contributions as tax sheltered.

The purpose of this new charitable organization is to:

  • Collect money and equipment donations under the umbrella of a not-for-profit organization that is separate from, but related to, Mill Creek Rifle Club and its missions. The foundation is being organized to allow donors to make tax-sheltered contributions.
  • Provide the proceeds from those donations to other established organizations that promote the following:
    • Small arms shooting sports
    • Firearms safety education
    • Firearms training and practice in general
    • Related lawful activities and fellowship, with a special emphasis on youth shooting sports and youth firearms safety and marksmanship training.

The mission statement of the new foundation states:

“The foundation, through charitable donations, is dedicated to safely and responsibly growing and maintaining shooting sports and competitions, marksmanship training, hunter education, and responsible firearms instruction and education. The Foundation is also dedicated, through charitable donations, to the furtherance of passing on to the citizens of the United States of America, education regarding the preservation of the inalienable rights guaranteed in the Kansas and United States constitutions and to foster wholesome and responsible youth development and education in the marksmanship community.”

The foundation will be led by a board of three officers—president, vice president, and treasurer—a secretary director, and three directors at large. In order to maintain independence from the current governing body of Mill Creek Rifle Club, the latter four directors may not be current members of the board of directors of Mill Creek. Officers and directors will be selected based on their commitment to maintaining allegiance to the stated mission and foundation’s goals and their exhibition of the highest ethical standards in the conduct of the foundation’s mission and business.

“The creation of this new foundation is a landmark occasion,” notes Mill Creek Rifle Club President Michael Borkon. “Many of us think of Mill Creek as one of the region’s premiere facilities for recreational shooting and competition. But few members may realize that when this organization was founded nearly 67 years ago, that was not considered its primary mission. The No. 1 mission stated by our original articles of incorporation was to promote, encourage, and educate members and the general public on safe use of firearms. No. 2 was to encourage a better understanding of the proper use of hunting and fishing equipment. This board’s action now gives members a tax-protected mechanism to devote a part or all of their estate planning and other regular charitable giving to help support in the future the very principles upon which the club was founded.”

If you are interested in supporting the new Mill Creek Rifle Club Shooting Sports and Education Charitable Foundation, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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