Will Sisson Memorial Military Match November 2

First Will Sisson Annual Garand and Modern Military rifle match

Entry now open for November 2, 2024, match

The Mill Creek Rifle Club High Power sub club will sponsor a CMP-sanctioned Garand, Springfield, and Modern Military rifle match on November 2, in honor of Will Sisson, a well known and long-time highpower shooter. GSMM includes M1 Garand, Springfield, M1A, and AR15 rifles, as issued.

Plus: Be among the first 25 to register, and get FREE 30-06 ammo from the donation of longtime member Sandy Sandgren.

Fees and Registration: $20 paid morning of the match. Registration in the Pavilion will open at 0800.

Location: MCRC High Power Range 200-yard firing line

Course of Fire: The course of fire will be a total of 35 rounds (5 prone sighter shots, 10 prone slow fire shots, 10 prone rapid fire shots and 10 slow fire off-hand shots)

Firearm: Authorized rifles are defined in the Current Edition of the CMP Competitions Rulebooks, available here. They include as-issued:

  • M-1 Garand
  • M1A
  • Springfield
  • AR-15 rifles with iron sights

Ammunition: .30-06 ammo will be provided to the first 25 registered competitors firing M-1 Garand or M1A rifles

Entries: 60 maximum; members and guests welcome

Rules: In accordance with the current edition of the CMP Games Rifle & Pistol Competition Rulebook. All Matches will be governed by CMP Rules.

Registration deadline: Registration is by email prior to match. Email President Michael Borkon, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Be sure to include your rifle type. Plan to show up no later than 8:30 am.

Scoring: SR-200 targets used; all firing is from 200-yard line; Shot Marker electronic scoring system; bring an IPAD or mobile phone.

Contact: Michael Borkon 913-223-9243 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Will Sisson

This match is held in honor of Will Sesson. Known to his family and friends as Sonny, he was a member of Mill Creek Rifle Club since 2006. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, he joined the Marine Corps following high school, where he served for 20 years and retired with the rank of Captain. Following his retirement, he worked at Brinks; starting as an armed guard and working his way up to manager. After his retirement from Brinks, he worked for the Red Cross where he also did volunteer work.

While in the Marine Corps he was Rifle Marksman and on the competition team. He carried on his love of shooting throughout his life. He had a passion for teaching gun safety, including hunter and women's safety courses. He shared his love of shooting with his children and grandchildren, often taking them to the gun range. Also, while he was stationed in Okinawa, he picked up Karate and achieved the rank of black belt. Sisson was a well known and long-time highpower shooter.



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