Member News

New Event Request Form

Interested in Reserving a Range to Host an Event?

Mill Creek has now made the process easier

If you're hosting a match, educational class, or other event at Mill Creek Rifle Club and need to reserve range or classroom space, the board of directors has now streamlined the process. Here's how to apply.

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Sept 2022 Message from Mike McGovern

Message from President Mike McGovern

So many thanks are due for our best picnic ever

The Mill Creek Rifle Club's Annual Picnic was a complete success.  It would not have happened without the support of so many whose volunteer spirit epitomizes the culture of this organization!

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Above and Beyond introduction

New Feature: Above and Beyond the Call

If you're a new member or you've been to a new member induction, you've heard Mill Creek President Mike McGovern say this: Yes, Mill Creek Rifle Club features some of the premiere outdoor shooting facilities in this region, no doubt. But that's only a fringe benefit of club membership. The real benefit of being a Mill Creek member is induction into a community of thousands of shooting enthusiasts who not only share a passion and affinity for the sport, but also who share a brotherhood of service to one another and a spirit of volunteerism that rivals any.

This new feature, Above and Beyond the Call of Duty, salutes those members and other individuals who best exemplify that spirit of devotion to their community, their fellow members, and their nation. This month's installment features a much-needed clubhouse clean-up, a shaky stair repair, and the return of a very missed lost rifle.

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Fall Work Day 2022

Please Join Us for Fall Work Day October 9

Suit up your work clothes and join fellow members in this bi-annual tradition

We need your volunteer spirit and your hard work coming up October 9.

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Scenes from this Year's Club Picnic

2022 Club Picnic

More than 200 Mill Creek Rifle Club members, along with an estimated 70 family members, and 60 or more invited guests gathered on September 10 for the largest club picnic attendance in recent history.

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Youth Shooting Opportunity 2022

Looking for youth target shooting opportunities? 

The local 4-H program offers training and competition. Here's how to join

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Maintenance Position Opening

Maintenance Position Opening

Attention members: Mill Creek's lead maintenance position is opening up soon. If you're interested, Mill Creek Maintenance Director Joel Campbell would like to hear from you as soon as possible.

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New Construction Director John Krudwig

Meet New Construction Director John Krudwig

Recently inducted Mill Creek Rifle Club member John Krudwig was elected to the position of construction director at a special meeting of the board of directors on April 5.

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July 2022 Message from Mike McGovern

Message from President Mike McGovern

Out of many diverse needs, Mill Creek becomes one membership

Not completely out of form for this part of Kansas and Missouri, it seems that once again we have gone from winter to summer in the short space of a week. I hope the weather change has given you a chance to get out to the club and enjoy the facilities, the fellowship, and the exercise of your Second Amendment rights.

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Interested in Overseeing Club Construction?

Mill Creek Rifle Club Needs a New Construction Director

If you have expertise in construction oversight, the club needs you

With the March 1 election of Mill Creek Rifle Club Construction Director Mike McGovern to the office of president, Mr. McGovern will resign his construction director position as of April 1. That resignation opens the position for election of a replacement by the board of directors. If you would like to act as construction director and serve on the board of directors of the club to fill the remainder of his term (through April 1, 2023), here's how to apply for consideration.

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Annual Meeting Results

Annual Meeting Results

The Mill Creek Rifle Club Annual Membership Meeting was held at 7:30 p.m., March 1, 2022, in the Mill Creek Clubhouse. A large crowd turned out to vote on the following business:


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Reminder: Crow's Roost Archive Available


Reminder: Crow's Roost Archive Available

For those members who have not received the Winter Crow's Roost Annual Directors' Report newsletter through the U.S. Postal Service, just a reminder that past issues of the club newsletter are available in the Crow's Roost archives, on the Members Only section of this website.

Click here to access the Crow's Roost Archive (must login to access).

Meet New Treasurer Bill Kinsey

Meet New Treasurer Bill Kinsey

Longtime club member Bill Kinsey was elected by the Board late last year to take over for retiring treasurer Ralph Goodrich. Below, Bill explains his long history with Mill Creek Rifle Club and what led him to a leadership position:

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Reminder: Get your Event Scheduled for 2022

The 2022 Calendar is Open! Get your event scheduled now

One of the services Mill Creek Rifle Club provides for members and the shooting community is the privilege of reserving one or more shooting ranges at the club for events. To reserve your event, the following conditions must be satisfied:

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How to access the members only site

How to access the members only website

The club website is an important gathering point to keep in touch about club business. But if you're not accessing the members only side, you're missing out. Additional benefits include past issues of the Crow's Roost newsletter and a member forum, including a space to buy and sell equipment with fellow members. Here's how to access the full website:

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Mill Creek Needs You!

The Board of Directors Needs your Leadership and Skills

Nominations are due February 21

As a non-profit organization, the administration of Mill Creek Rifle Club is conducted by an all-volunteer board of officers and directors elected by you, the membership. If you're interested in being part of that leadership body, or if you know of a good candidate you'd like to recommend, the elections nominating committee would like to hear from you.

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Is the Right to Carry about to be Federally Recognized?


Legislative Alert: Supreme Court Holds Oral Arguments in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen

One November 3, 2021, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a Second Amendment dispute that could have a major impact on state laws restricting the carrying of concealed firearms outside the home. The case, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, challenges New York state’s 108-year-old handgun licensing law. The Court has not issued a ruling on the Second Amendment since the McDonald case in 2010 following its landmark decision in Heller in 2008. The Heller decision confirmed that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, regardless of service in an organized militia. The McDonald decision held that states and local governments, not just the federal government, are required to respect that right.

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Fall Work Day 2021

Please Join Us for Fall Work Day October 10

Suit up your work clothes and join fellow members in this bi-annual tradition

We need your volunteer spirit and your hard work coming up October 10.

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Club Picnic is Back!

The Club Picnic and Swap Meet is On!

September 12 - 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM

After much too much delay, the Mill Creek Club Picnic and Swap Meet returns on Sunday, September 12. Bring your spare parts and collectables, your wish list, your family, kids, or one guest. Tour the new club ranges added this winter, shop for everything from complete firearms to gun parts and knives, ammo to reloading supplies, blackpowder to collectibles. It's also a chance to take that long awaited opportunity to socially converge with your fellow members and enthusiasts. The swap meet will be held in the Pavilion, followed by a club BBQ catered by the local Boy Scout troop. Members need to show ID badges.

If you're interested in displaying at the Swap Meet, reserve your table space today. Tables are available in half-table increments, and they are available on a first-come/first-served basis. Available table space goes fast, so reserve your space now. 

You can reserve your table space by specifying your preference in an email, phone call or text to Club Secretary John Podolonka, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


New Safety Director Jason Roth

Meet New Safety Director Jason Roth

I became a member last year after moving here to Kansas from Georgia.  In Georgia, I was a member of Athens Rifle Club for 8 years and served on their Safety Committee, implementing several improvements.  My passion is teaching new shooters the fundamentals of shooting accurately and safely.  I have been involved with the Boy Scout Shootings Sports program for the last 10 years when I became an NRA certified Instructor.  Since then, I have added to my list of certifications including Chief Range Safety Officer and Training Counselor.  In my career, I work for a local Animal Health company making RNA vaccines similar to the ones currently used in the COVID vaccines.  In my previous work life, I worked in Biosafety Level 3 laboratories (actually with the first SARS virus in the early 2000s) where safety is literally a matter of life or death, just like the range.  Because of my training and experience, on and off the range, and willingness to serve the membership, I graciously accepted this appointment from the Board.

I wanted to join Mill Creek when I moved to Kansas because of the immense shooting opportunities, not only for the variety of competitions but also the freedom to shoot short and long guns on a vast number of ranges.  When I became the Safety Director, I was most impressed by the impeccable safety record Mill Creek has, given the high number of members and steady use the range on a daily basis.  Usually as membership increases, safety decreases. But not here.  I believe this to be true because my predecessors set a high bar in safety standards and also the strict vetting process to obtain membership thanks to our Membership Director.  We have high caliber (pun intended) members here and it shows, but that doesn’t mean we are all perfect, as we still catch members and guests shooting without the proper eye protection on, the most common infraction.

Besides carrying on the legacy of our previous Safety Director, Gabriel, whose unfinished business includes installing permanent steel for all members to use and form a group of Range Ambassadors, we have several other improvements to make our range safer and more enjoyable:

  • First, I would like to move the steel permitting process more online by creating a webpage on our member site, where the information and application can be accessed by all and permits can be granted and renewed faster.
  • Second, a team of several board members are working to refurbish, restock, and update signage for the first-aid and trauma kits at each range.
  • Third, increase the opportunities and level of firearms training available at Mill Creek.  On the second Sunday of every month, we are going to offer NRA basic courses, such as pistol, rifle, shotgun, range safety officer, and reloading, depending on interest.  In coordination with our Public Relations Director, we plan on setting up a webpage dedicated to available trainings offered at MCRC, including more advanced level firearms courses offered from other instructors. To kick this off, on September 12, coinciding with our annual Membership Day, Millcreek Rifle Club is sponsoring an NRA Firearm Safety course free for the first 40 MCRC members and family guests.  This course is a short 4-hour classroom course (no range time) and covers safety, ammunition and cleaning basics, and unloading all types of firearms.  We will start at 7:30 am and will be done by 11 am to enjoy the rest of Membership day.  Please follow this link, NRA Firearm Safety, to register for this free course.

Thank you and see you at the range,

Jason Roth, PhD

MCRC Safety Director

NRA Training Counselor, Instructor, Chief RSO

MantisX Affiliate

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Upcoming 2021 Training

More Training Opportunities Available

Special opportunities for Mill Creek members!

Sunday, September 12th, same day as the Club picnic and swap meet, is a NRA Safety Class geared toward families.  Among other things it will cover firearm safety in the home.  This class starts at 7:30 AM in the clubhouse, there is no cost for this class.  Reach out to Safety Director Jason Roth for more information.
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Tentatively, the Club will host a Hunter Safety Class for youth on September 26. Please watch the Club calendar for more details. 

High Power is Back...and Better!

High Power Returns...and it's Better than Ever!

With renovations finished on the Mill Creek Rifle Club High Power Range, Wednesday mid-range evening shoots have returned and are continuing into September. Here are a few things you’ll find even better about the new high-power shooting options at Mill Creek:

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Lead remediation starting

Lead Abatement Begins April 19

Expect rolling range closures for two weeks

For several months I have been informing the membership about the environmental studies the club has undertaken. In 2017, the board of directors commissioned a firm to create an environmental best practices manual for the club.  It is a detailed document indicating how the club should manage its environmental risks.

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Spring Work Day 2021

Please Join Us for Spring Work Day May 2

Suit up your work clothes and join fellow members in this bi-annual tradition

This year has left Mill Creek Rifle Club with a long--and still growing--list of minor maintenance items, from sign hanging to warning-flag replacement to plumbing to groundskeeping.

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Cancelled - Spring Work Day 2021

CANCELLED - Spring Work Day May 2

Or better said: Postponed...

Due to unforeseen circumstance, the biannual club workday scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled. Watch this space and your email Crow's Roost for announcement of rescheduling. Thank you, stand down, and stand by.



Democrats pushing new gun laws

Legislative Alert: Democrats Pushing New Gun Laws

Encouraged by their majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats at the federal level are pushing major new gun control laws, starting with expanded background checks, enlarging the time period for the ATF to conduct background checks, and significant changes to the NICS system.  

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Construction update April 2021

Flickr/Washington State Dept. of Transportation. Some rights reserved. Used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Construction Update: Coming down to the final tasks!

Final additions to range expansion being made

Construction on the new range expansion approved by the membership last October is putting on a final push to get everything done for spring. Here's what's coming up in the weeks ahead.

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Are you our next Safety Director?

Mill Creek Rifle Club Seeking New Safety Director

Have some ideas to improve club safety? We may be looking for you

Mill Creek Rifle Club Safety Director Gabriel Sanchez has announced his resignation. If you're interested in serving on the board of directors of the club to fill the remainder of Gabe's term, here's how to apply for consideration.

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April member meeting

April 2021 Member Meeting

Join us April 6, 2021, at 07:30 PM Central Time as Vice President Michael Borkon chairs. Business will include recruiting for a new safety director and a review of proposals for lead remediation on some ranges.

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No wing shooting right now

WARNING: There is no safe wing-shooting space available at Mill Creek right now 

If you are shooting anything on the fly, please cease

The morning of March 11, the contractor building the berms for the range expansion was running a trackhoe atop one of the new berms, when he heard what sounded like gravel being thrown against the side of his machine. He turned toward his open door and front glass to see the source, and was peppered in the face and shoulder with bird shot.

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