Treasurer position open

Mill Creek Rifle Club Treasurer Position Open

If you have expertise in finance and accounting, the board would like to hear from you

The untimely passing of board member Bill Kinsey has left Mill Creek Rifle Club without its treasurer. If you're interested in serving on the board of directors of the club to fill the remainder of Bill's term, here's how to apply for consideration.

 The treasurer is responsible for overseeing the financial matters for the club. This includes

  • Securing and maintaining club banking arrangements
  • Paying club expenses within board authorizations
  • Maintaining and reporting current bank balances
  • Preparing and maintaining club statements showing budget and year-to-date expenditures
  • Preparing and filing tax returns, including related financial reports
  • Securing club insurance
  • Maintaining all club affiliations as determined by the Board

The treasurer is one of three officer positions, carrying a two-year term of office. It is a voting board-level position, requiring the time commitment to fulfill those duties in addition to the treasurer responsibilities. Candidates will be considered by the board and a replacement treasurer will be appointed by the board.

If you are a current member and interested, please submit your name and contact information to the board via Vice President Michael Borkon, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or via President Mike McGovern, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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