Officer and Board Election Ballot Announced

Officer and Director Ballot for 2023

The 2023 Officer and Director Nominating Committee report to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the members of Mill Creek Rifle Club, at 7:30 p.m., March 7, 2023, will include the following ballot.

The Nominating Committee reports it received the following self-nominations before the deadline of 6:30 p.m. February 21, 2023, as announced here. In accordance with the club bylaws, the committee will present the following board of candidates for election at the upcoming annual meeting:

  • President: Mike McGovern
  • Vice president: Michael Borkon
  • Treasurer: Bill Kinsey
  • Range officer: Jennifer Gibson
  • Membership director: Curt Cotton
  • Construction director: John Krudwig
  • Public relations director: Mike Smith

Note: The club secretary is appointed by the Board of Directors and is not subject to election by the membership.


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