Scenes from this Year's Club Picnic - Eagle Scout Candidate Honored for Contribution


 Dawson Roth, Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout candidate, receives recognition from Mill Creek Rifle Club Legislative Director Paul Day. Roth was recognized for his leadership in updating the club's safety and range signage as part of his Eagle Scout project. To earn the prestigious Eagle rank, each scout must propose and complete a project that is beneficial to his community. The scout develops the proposed project, solicits troop approval, follows up to obtain Scout council review and approval, and finally leads the project with help from fellow scouts in the troop. For his project, Roth updated all the range safety signs, Stop the Bleed first-aid posters, range-flag and downrange shooting signs, and other signs throughout the club's ranges. Since the Scouts' founding in 1911, only about 4 percent of scouts who enter the program manage to earn the rank of Eagle. Congratulations to Dawson.

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