Sept 2022 Message from Mike McGovern

Message from President Mike McGovern

So many thanks are due for our best picnic ever

The Mill Creek Rifle Club's Annual Picnic was a complete success.  It would not have happened without the support of so many whose volunteer spirit epitomizes the culture of this organization!

There were several factors making this the best picnic so far. We were blessed with exceptional weather - a cool high of 75 degrees and slight overcast!  Not only did we have over 40 tables filled with members/vendors and their treasures to be viewed and bartered in the Pavilion, we had over 300 plus attendees of family and friends come out and support our club and youth programs.  With the help of Boy Scouts of America Troop 459's Color Guard, opening pledge of allegiance, and invocation, our members gave tribute to our Creator, US flag and great country.

The overall program lasted five hours, including a youth shooting activity sponsored by the 4-H coaches and youth members, awards and presentations given to several individuals and groups, a delicious lunch prepared and served by the BSA troop, shopping for the elusive "primers and ammo" and hard to find special treasurers, and a chance for many to win the highly prized donated firearms.

Each youth group had a table presenting their programs, past awards, adult trainers, and the youth shooters.  They were able to sell many raffle tickets and raise about $1,500 each for their programs.

On behalf of the board and members, my heartfelt thanks go out to the following:

  • CZ-USA. Our friends and continual supporters at CZ-USA donated not one but two outstanding firearms to be raffled on behalf of the youth programs: A CZ-USA P10 C 9mm Luger with a 15-round magazine, and a CZ-USA 720 G2 Semi Auto 20 gauge. 
  • The Hodgdon Powder Company. The founding benefactor of Mill Creek Rifle Club continues to amaze us in its constant willingness to sacrifice by giving back to the shooting sports. In this case, the most visible manifestation came in the form two $500 checks presented to the KC Raiders youth steel shooting club and our newest youth organization, the Kaw Valley Junior Rifle Club. 
  • Bushnell Outdoor Products and the Bushnell Factory Outlet. Walt Whittaker and the Bushnell family continues to inspire us all with their generosity in supporting this club and its members. Thank you to them.
  • The youth organizations and their adult volunteers who took time to man swap meet tables and explain each program to participants.
  • The numerous vendors and members who can always be counted upon to make this great annual event even better.
  • The members of the board of directors and other individual members who donated their time, energy, and sweat to pull off this fantastic event.

Each and every one of you have proven once again the old adage: Mill Creek Rifle Club is made up of some great shooting facilities, but the best part of being a member is being a part of this group of people. Thank you once again to you all, and I hope to see you next year for an even better picnic experience!

-- Mike McGovern
Mill Creek Rifle Club President

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