Above and Beyond introduction
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New Feature: Above and Beyond the Call
If you're a new member or you've been to a new member induction, you've heard Mill Creek President Mike McGovern say this: Yes, Mill Creek Rifle Club features some of the premiere outdoor shooting facilities in this region, no doubt. But that's only a fringe benefit of club membership. The real benefit of being a Mill Creek member is induction into a community of thousands of shooting enthusiasts who not only share a passion and affinity for the sport, but also who share a brotherhood of service to one another and a spirit of volunteerism that rivals any.
This new feature, Above and Beyond the Call of Duty, salutes those members and other individuals who best exemplify that spirit of devotion to their community, their fellow members, and their nation. This month's installment features a much-needed clubhouse clean-up, a shaky stair repair, and the return of a very missed lost rifle.
Oh, what a tangled web no more!
Salute to club member Kenton S, who showed up to honor 9/11 by doing a little rifle sighting-in, but then stuck around to pull the power washer out of his truck and clean out the profuse spider webs hanging around the clubhouse breezeway.
Have a nice fall, with no fall!
Salute to club Vice President Michael Borkon, Legislative Director Paul Day, and members Ralph Goodrich, Dick Cooper, and Oscar Aitkens, who came out on a hot day in late August to repair and reinforce the railing and realign many of the treads on the pit stairs on the High Power Range. Although the stairs will eventually need wholesale repair or replacement, the emergency repairs will at least ensure member safety until the larger project can be tackled. Thanks to the construction crew.
Where Oh Where has my AR Gone?
Recently we had an incident on the Benchrest range where a firearm was inadvertently left unattended and the owner left the range, leaving behind his AR. Four Mill Creek members, Fred M., Mike S., Eric S., and AJ D., secured the gun and contacted board members. The gun was secured on MCRC property and the owner came back a little while later to claim it. After verifying and documenting the owners identity, the firearms was returned. Safety Director Jason Roth would like to thank and recognize the four gentlemen who first found the firearm and secured it for their honesty and integrity. You have the club's gratitude
Know of a club member or someone else who deserves a public salute for going above and beyond the call of duty? Email your nominations This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..